Fonctions diverses
PHP Manual


(PHP 7 >= 7.1.0)

sapi_windows_cp_convConvert string from one codepage to another


string sapi_windows_cp_conv ( int|string $in_codepage , int|string $out_codepage , string $subject )

Convert string from one codepage to another.

Liste de paramètres


The codepage of the subject string. Either the codepage name or identifier.


The codepage to convert the subject string to. Either the codepage name or identifier.


The string to convert.

Valeurs de retour

The subject string converted to out_codepage, or NULL on failure.

Erreurs / Exceptions

This function issues E_WARNING level errors, if invalid codepages are given, or if the subject is not valid for in_codepage.

Voir aussi

Fonctions diverses
PHP Manual