Exceptions prédéfinies
PHP Manual


(PHP 7)


There are three scenarios where a TypeError may be thrown. The first is where the argument type being passed to a function does not match its corresponding declared parameter type. The second is where a value being returned from a function does not match the declared function return type. The third is where an invalid number of arguments are passed to a built-in PHP function (strict mode only).

Synopsis de la classe

TypeError extends Error {
/* Propriétés héritées */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* Méthodes héritées */
final public string Error::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Error::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Error::getCode ( void )
final public string Error::getFile ( void )
final public int Error::getLine ( void )
final public array Error::getTrace ( void )
final public string Error::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Error::__toString ( void )
final private void Error::__clone ( void )

Exceptions prédéfinies
PHP Manual