
(mongodb >=1.0.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Manager::selectServerSelect a server matching a read preference


final public MongoDB\Driver\Manager::selectServer(?MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference $readPreference = null): MongoDB\Driver\Server

Selects a MongoDB\Driver\Server matching readPreference. If readPreference is null or omitted, the primary server will be selected by default. This may be used to preselect a server in order to perform version checking before executing an operation.

Note: Unlike MongoDB\Driver\Manager::getServers(), this method will initialize database connections and perform server discovery if necessary. See the » Server Selection Specification for additional information.

Liste de paramètres

readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference)

The read preference to use for selecting a server. If null or omitted, the primary server will be selected by default.

Valeurs de retour

Returns a MongoDB\Driver\Server matching the read preference.

Erreurs / Exceptions

  • Lance une exception MongoDB\Driver\AuthenticationException si une identification est nécessaire mais qu'elle échoue
  • Lance une exception MongoDB\Driver\ConnectionException si la connexion au serveur échoue pour une autre raison qu'en raison d'un problème d'identification
  • Throws MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException if a server matching the read preference could not be found.


Version Description
PECL mongodb 1.11.0 The readPreference is now optional. If null or omitted, the primary server will be selected by default.

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