- -A option, of obtar, 4
- access Oracle backups right, B.1.2
- addbw command, 2, 2
- addp command, 2
- admin class, B
- adminlogevents policy, A.4.1
- adminlogfile policy, A.4.2
- after backup statement, D.2.1
- applybackupsfrequency policy, A.9.1
- asciiindexrepository policy, A.3.1
- aspec placeholder, 3
- attachments, 2, 2
- auditlogins policy, A.1.1
- authenticationtype policy, A.7.1
- authorization types for NDMP server, 2
- authtype placeholder, 3
- autocertissue policy, A.10.1
- autohistory policy, 4, A.8.1
- autoindex policy, A.3.2
- autolabel policy, A.8.2
- -B option, of obtar, 4
- -b option, of obtar, 4
- backup command, 2
- backup commands, 1.3.1
- backup, 2
- lsbackup, 2
- restrictions, 2, 2
- rmbackup, 2
- backup description files, 4
- creating, 4, 4
- definition, 4, 4
- example of remote backup description files, 4
- exclusion statement, 4
- hostname statement, 4
- include file statement, 4
- inclusion statement, 4
- mount point statement, 4
- specifying, 4
- backup images, 2, 2
- backup pieces and, 2
- displaying contents of, 2
- path name information included in, 4
- specifying by number, 4, 4, 4
- backup jobs, creating, 2
- backup piece commands, 1.3.2
- lspiece, 2
- rmpiece, 2
- backup pieces, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2, 2
- backup requests, 2, 2
- creating, 2
- removing, 2
- backup schedules
- changing, 2
- configuring, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- backup sections, 2
- deleting, 2
- backup sections catalog, 2
- backup volumes, 2
- backup window commands, 1.3.3
- addbw, 2, 2
- chkbw, 2
- lsbw, 2
- rmbw, 2
- setbw, 2
- backup windows
- adding, 2
- checking, 2
- configuring, 2
- displaying, 2
- removing, 2
- backupev policy, A.7.2
- backupimagerechecklevel policy, A.8.3
- backup-level placeholder, 3
- backupoptions policy, 4, 4, A.8.4
- backups
- listing cataloged, 2
- on-demand, 2
- scheduling, 2
- backuptype policy, A.7.3
- barcode readers, 2
- barcodes, 2
- barcodesrequired policy, A.5.1
- BDF. See backup description files
- before backup statement, D.2.2
- blockingfactor policy, 4, A.5.2
- borrowdev command, 2
- browse backup catalogs with this access right, B.1.1
- browse rights, B.1.1, B.1.1, B.1.1, B.1.1, B.1.1
- browser commands, 1.3.4
- cd, 2
- ls, 2
- lsbu, 2
- pwd, 2
- browsing the catalog, 2
- -c mode, of obtar, 4
- -C option, of obtar, 4, 4, 4
- canceljob command, 2
- catalog, Oracle Secure Backup, 2, 2, 2, 2
- browsing, 2, 2
- displaying contents, 2
- catalogued backups, 2
- catds command, 2
- catxcr command, 2
- cd command, 2
- cdds command, 2
- cdp command, 2
- certkeysize policy, A.10.2
- chclass command, 2
- chdev command, 2
- checkpoint commands, 1.3.5
- lscheckpoint, 2
- rmcheckpoint, 2
- checkpoints
- listing attributes of, 2
- removing, 2
- chhost command, 2
- chkbw command, 2
- chkds command, 2
- chmf command, 2
- chsched command, 2
- chssel command, 2
- chsum command, 2
- chuser command, 2
- class commands, 1.3.6
- chclass, 2
- lsclass, 2
- mkclass, 2
- renclass, 2
- rmclass, 2
- class rights, 2
- access Oracle backups, B.1.2
- browse backup catalogs with this access, B.1.1
- display administrative domain's configuration, B.1.3
- list any job, regardless of its owner, B.1.16
- list any jobs owned by user, B.1.8
- manage devices and change device state, B.1.15
- modify administrative domain's configuration, B.1.5
- modify any job, regardless of its owner, B.1.17
- modify any jobs owned by user, B.1.9
- modify own name and password, B.1.4
- perform backups as privileged user, B.1.7
- perform backups as self, B.1.6
- perform Oracle backups and restores, B.1.18
- perform restores as privileged user, B.1.11
- perform restores as self, B.1.10
- query and display information about devices, B.1.14
- receive email describing internal errors, B.1.13
- receive email requesting operator assistance, B.1.12
- classes, 2
- admin class, B
- changing attributes of, 2
- configuring, 2
- listing, 2
- operator class, B
- oracle class, B
- reader class, B
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- user class, B
- clean command, 2
- cleaning tape drives, 2
- clientlogevents policy, A.4.3
- closedoor command, 2
- compression
- hardware, 4
- software, 4
- content placeholder, 3
- content-managed expiration policies, 2
- cross all mountpoints statements, D.2.3
- cross local mountpoints statement, D.2.4
- cross remote mountpoints statement, D.2.5
- ctldaemon command, 2
- daemon commands, 1.3.7
- ctldaemon, 2
- lsdaemon, 2
- daemon policies, A.1
- auditlogins, A.1.1
- obixdmaxupdaters, A.1.2
- obixdrechecklevel, A.1.3
- obixdupdaternicevalue, A.1.4
- webautostart, A.1.5
- webpass, A.1.6
- windowscontrolcertificatesservice, A.1.7
- daemons
- controlling, 2
- listing, 2
- Data ONTAP operating system, 2
- data transfer elements, 2
- database backup storage selector commands, 1.3.8
- chssel, 2
- lsssel, 2
- mkssel, 2
- renssel, 2
- rmssel, 2
- database backup storage selectors
- changing, 2
- configuring, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- data-selector placeholder, 3
- dataset commands, 1.3.9
- catds, 2
- cdds, 2
- chkds, 2
- edds, 2
- lsds, 2
- mkds, 2
- pwdds, 2
- rends, 2
- rmds, 2
- dataset directories, changing, 2
- dataset files
- checking syntax of, 2
- creating, 2
- displaying, 2
- editing, 2
- examples, D.3
- listing, 2
- overview, D.1
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- dataset statements, D.2
- after backup, D.2.1
- before backup, D.2.2
- cross all mountpoints, D.2.3
- cross local mountpoints, D.2.4
- cross remote mountpoints, D.2.5
- exclude name, D.2.6
- exclude oracle database files, D.2.7
- exclude path, D.2.8
- include dataset, D.2.9
- include host, D.2.10
- include path, D.2.11
- dataset-dir-name placeholder, 3
- dataset-file-name placeholder, 3
- dataset-name placeholder, 3
- date-range placeholder, 3
- date-time placeholder, 3
- day-date placeholder, 3
- day-specifier placeholder, 3
- defaults and policies, A
- daemon policies, A.1
- device policies, A.2
- index policies, A.3
- listing, 2
- log policies, A.4
- media policies, A.5
- naming policies, A.6
- NDMP policies, A.7
- operations policies, A.8
- removing a policy setting, 2
- scheduler policies, A.9
- security policies, A.10
- setting policy values, 2
- defaults. See defaults and policies
- defaultstarttime policy, A.9.2
- device commands, 1.3.10
- chdev, 2
- discoverdev, 2
- dumpdev, 2
- lsdev, 2
- mkdev, 2
- mountdev, 2
- pingdev, 2
- rendev, 2
- resdev, 2, 2
- rmdev, 2
- unmountdev, 2
- unresdev, 2
- device policies, A.2
- discovereddevicestate, A.2.1
- errorrate, A.2.2
- devicename placeholder, 3
- devices
- attachments, 2
- borrowing, 2
- configuring, 2
- data transfer elements, 2
- displaying errors, 2
- import/export elements, 2
- listing attributes of, 2
- medium transport elements, 2
- pinging, 2
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- reserving, 2
- storage elements, 2
- unreserving, 2
- directives, in backup description files, 4
- discoverdev command, 2
- discovereddevicestate policy, A.2.1
- display administrative domain's configuration right, B.1.3
- displaying path names
- before restoring, 4
- during backup, 4, 4, 4
- while restoring, 4
- displaying volume labels, 4, 4
- drive variable, 1.3.14, C.1
- dumpdev command, 2
- duration placeholder, 3
- -E option, of obtar, 4
- -e option, of obtar, 4
- earliestindexcleanuptime policy, A.3.3
- edds command, 2
- element-spec placeholder, 2, 3
- encryptdataintransit policy, A.10.3
- error rate for tape devices, 2
- errorrate policy, A.2.2
- errors for devices, 2
- errors variable, C.2
- escape variable, C.3
- Ethernet connections, 2
- Exabyte drives, setting format of, 4
- exclude name statement, D.2.6
- exclude oracle database files statement, D.2.7
- exclude path statement, D.2.8
- exclusion statements, in backup description files, 4
- exit command, 2
- exiting obtool, 2, 2
- expiration policies
- content-managed, 2
- time-managed, 2
- exporting volumes, 2
- exportvol command, 2
- extractvol command, 2
- -F option, of obtar, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
- -f option, of obtar, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
- Fiber Distributed Data Interface connections, 2
- file system backups. See backup command
- file system commands, 1.3.11
- lsfs, 2
- filenumber placeholder, 3
- filenumber-list placeholder, 3
- files
- backup description files, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
- displaying with obtar -c, 4
- displaying with obtar -v, 4
- displaying with obtar -x, 4
- firewalls, configuring for host communication, 2
- full path names, in backup description files, 4
- fullbackupcheckpointfrequency policy, A.8.5
- -g mode, of obtar, 4
- -G option, of obtar, 4, 4
- generatendmpindexdata policy, A.3.4
- global exclusion statement, definition, 4
- -H option, of obtar, 4, 4, 4
- -h option, of obtar, 4
- hardware compression, controlling, 4
- host commands, 1.3.12
- chhost, 2
- lshost, 2
- mkhost, 2
- pinghost, 2
- renhost, 2
- rmhost, 2
- updatehost, 2
- host names, resolving IP addresses, 2
- host variable, C.4
- hostname statements, in backup description files, 4
- hosts
- changing attributes of, 2
- configuring, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- updating, 2
- id command, 2
- identifyvol command, 2
- iee-range placeholder, 3
- iee-spec placeholder, 3
- import/export elements, 2
- import/export mechanism, 2, 2, 2
- opening the door, 2
- importing volumes, 2, 2
- importvol command, 2
- include dataset statement, D.2.9
- include file statements, in backup description files, 4
- include host statement, D.2.10
- include path statement, D.2.11
- inclusion statements, in backup description files, 4
- incrbackupcheckpointfrequency policy, A.8.6
- incremental backups, making with obtar, 4
- index policies, A.3
- asciiindexrepository, A.3.1
- autoindex, A.3.2
- earliestindexcleanuptime, A.3.3
- generatendmpindexdata, A.3.4
- indexcleanupfrequency, A.3.5
- latestindexcleanuptime, A.3.6
- maxindexbuffer, A.3.7
- saveasciiindexfiles, A.3.8
- indexcleanupfrequency policy, A.3.5
- inserting volumes manually, 2
- insertvol command, 2
- installhere program, 5
- installhost program, 5
- installnet program, 5
- interactive control commands, 1.3.25
- exit, 2
- id, 2
- logout, 2
- quit, 2
- inventory command, 2
- invoking obtool, 1.1
- IP addresses
- format of, 2, 2
- testing, 2
- IP addresses, format of, 2
- -J option, of obtar, 4
- job commands, 1.3.13
- canceljob, 2
- catxcr, 2
- lsjob, 2
- rmjob, 2
- rpyjob, 2
- runjob, 2
- job identifiers, 2
- job summary schedules
- changing, 2
- configuring, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- jobretaintime policy, A.4.4
- jobs, 2
- canceling, 2
- displaying transcripts, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- responding to, 2
- running, 2
- superseded, 2
- job-type placeholder, 3
- -K option, of obtar, 4
- -k option, of obtar, 4, 4
- -L option, of obtar, 4, 4
- -l option, of obtar, 4, 4
- labeling volumes, 2
- labelvol command, 2
- large number format, 2, 3
- latestindexcleanuptime policy, A.3.6
- level variable, C.5
- library commands, 1.3.14
- borrowdev, 2
- clean, 2
- closedoor, 2
- exportvol, 2
- extractvol, 2
- identifyvol, 2
- importvol, 2
- insertvol, 2
- inventory, 2
- labelvol, 2
- loadvol, 2
- lsvol, 2
- movevol, 2
- opendoor, 2
- returndev, 2
- reusevol, 2
- unlabelvol, 2
- unloadvol, 2
- library variable, 1.3.14, C.6
- list any job, regardless of its owner right, B.1.16
- list any jobs owned by user right, B.1.8
- listing volumes
- in a library, 2
- in the volume catalog, 2
- loadvol command, 2
- log policies, A.4
- adminlogevents, A.4.1
- adminlogfile, A.4.2
- clientlogevents, A.4.3
- jobretaintime, A.4.4
- logretaintime, A.4.5
- transcriptretaimtime, A.4.6
- unixclientlogfile, A.4.7
- windowsclientlogfile, A.4.8
- logging into Oracle Secure Backup, 1.1.1
- logging out of obtool, 2
- login token,
- loginduration policy,, A.10.4
- logout command, 2
- logretaintime policy, A.4.5
- ls command, 2
- lsbackup command, 2
- lsbu command, 2
- lsbw command, 2
- lscheckpoint command, 2
- lsclass command, 2
- lsdaemon command, 2
- lsdev command, 2
- lsds command, 2
- lsfs command, 2
- lshost command, 2
- lsjob command, 2
- lsmf command, 2
- lsp command, 2
- lspiece command, 2
- lspni command, 2
- lsrestore command, 2
- lssched command, 2
- lssection command, 2
- lssnap command, 2
- lsssel command, 2
- lssum command, 2
- lsuser command, 2
- lsvol command, 2
- -M option, of obtar, 4
- -m option, of obtar, 4
- mailport policy, A.8.7
- mailserver policy, A.8.8
- makedev program, 5
- manage devices and change device state right, B.1.15
- maxblockingfactor policy, A.5.3
- maxcheckpointresetarts policy, A.8.9
- maxdataretries policy, A.9.3
- maximum blocking factor, 2
- maxindexbuffer policy, A.3.7
- maxlevel variable, C.7
- md5 authorization type for NDMP server, 3
- media families
- changing attributes of, 2
- configuring, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- restricting volumes to, 2
- media families, configuring, 1.3.15
- media family commands, 1.3.15
- chmf, 2
- lsmf, 2
- mkmf, 2
- renmf, 2
- rmmf, 2
- media policies, A.5
- barcodesrequired, A.5.1
- blockingfactor, A.5.2
- maxblockingfactor, A.5.3
- overwriteblanktape, A.5.4
- overwriteforeigntape, A.5.5
- overwriteunreadabletape, A.5.6
- volumeretaintime, A.5.7
- writewindowtime, A.5.8
- medium transport elements, 2
- miscellaneous commands, 1.3.16
- miscellaneous programs, 5
- installhere, 5
- installhost, 5
- installnet, 5
- makedev, 5
- obcleanup, 5
- obcm, 5
- obcopy, 5
- osbcvt, 5
- stoprb, 5
- uninstallob, 5
- mkclass command, 2
- mkdev command, 2
- for libraries, 2
- for tape drives, 2
- mkds command, 2
- mkhost command, 2
- mkmf command, 2
- mkpni command, 2
- mksched command, 2
- mksnap command, 2
- mkssel command, 2
- mksum command, 2
- mkuser command, 2
- modify administrative domain's configuration right, B.1.5
- modify any job, regardless of its owner right, B.1.17
- modify any jobs owned by user right, B.1.9
- modify own name and password right, B.1.4
- mount point statements, in backup description files, 4
- mount points and backups, 4
- mountdev command, 2
- movevol command, 2
- namewidth variable, C.8
- naming policies, A.6
- winsserver, A.6.1
- NAS file systems
- listing, 2
- NDMP devices, discovering, 2
- NDMP passwords, 2
- NDMP policies, A.7
- authenticationtype, A.7.1
- backupev, A.7.2
- backuptype, A.7.3
- password, A.7.4
- port, A.7.5
- protocolversion, A.7.6
- restoreev, A.7.7
- username, A.7.8
- NDMP server
- authorization types, 2
- md5 authorization type, 3
- ndmp-backup-type placeholder, 3
- negotiated authorization type for NDMP server, 3
- Network Appliance filers, 2
- network interfaces, 2
- NFS mount points, 4
- number format for large numbers, 2, 3
- numberformat placeholder, 3
- numberformat variable, C.9
- -O option, of obtar, 4, 4
- obcleanup program, 5
- obcm program, 5
- obcopy program, 5
- obixdmaxupdaters policy, A.1.2
- obixdrechecklevel policy, A.1.3
- obixdupdaternicevalue policy, A.1.4
- obtar
- -A option, 4
- -B option, 4
- -b option, 4
- -c mode, 4
- -C option, 4, 4, 4
- -E option, 4
- -e option, 4
- -F option, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
- -f option, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
- -g mode, 4
- -G option, 4, 4
- -H option, 4, 4, 4
- -h option, 4
- -J option, 4
- -K option, 4
- -k option, 4, 4
- -L option, 4, 4
- -l option, 4, 4
- -M option, 4
- -m option, 4
- -O option, 4, 4
- -P option, 4
- -p option, 4, 4
- -q option, 4
- -R option, 4, 4, 4
- -s option, 4, 4
- -t mode, 4
- -U option, 4
- -V option, 4
- -v option, 4, 4, 4, 4
- -w option, 4
- -x mode, 4
- -Xchkmnttab option, 4
- -Xcleara option, 4
- -Xcrossmp option, 4
- -Xdepth option, 4
- -Xfamily option, 4, 4
- -Xhighlatency option, 4
- -Xhome option, 4
- -Xincrrestore option, 4
- -Xkv option, 4
- -Xlabel mode, 4
- -Xlabel option, 4
- -Xmarkerfiles option, 4
- -Xndmptype option, 4
- -Xnice option, 4
- -Xno_mod_chk option, 4
- -Xnochaselinks option, 4
- -Xnostat option, 4
- -Xow option, 4, 4, 4, 4
- -Xpre20 option, 4
- -Xreuse mode, 4
- -Xtag option, 4, 4
- -Xunlabel mode, 4
- -Xupdtu option, 4
- -Xuq option, 4
- -Xuse_ctime option, 4
- -Xverifyarchive option, 4
- -Xwq option, 4
- -Xwritev2ndmppos option, 4
- -Xww option, 4
- -y option, 4
- -z mode, 4
- -Z option, 4, 4
- -z option, 4, 4, 4, 4
- -zz mode, 4
- obtool
- exiting, 2, 2
- invoking, 1.1
- logging out of, 2
- obtool commands
- backup commands, 1.3.1
- backup piece commands, 1.3.2
- backup window commands, 1.3.3
- browser commands, 1.3.4
- checkpoint commands, 1.3.5
- class commands, 1.3.6
- daemon commands, 1.3.7
- database backup storage selector commands, 1.3.8
- dataset commands, 1.3.9
- device commands, 1.3.10
- file system commands, 1.3.11
- host commands, 1.3.12
- interactive control commands, 1.3.25
- job commands, 1.3.13
- library commands, 1.3.14
- media family commands, 1.3.15
- miscellaneous commands, 1.3.16
- policy commands, 1.3.17, 1.3.17
- preferred network interface commands, 1.3.18
- restore commands, 1.3.19
- schedule commands, 1.3.20
- section commands, 1.3.21
- snapshot commands, 1.3.22
- summary commands, 1.3.23
- user commands, 1.3.24
- variable commands, 1.3.25
- oid placeholder, 3
- oid-list placeholder, 3
- on-demand backups, 2
- opendoor command, 2
- operations policies, A.8
- autohistory, A.8.1
- autolabel, A.8.2
- backupimagerechecklevel, A.8.3
- backupoptions, A.8.4
- fullbackupcheckpointfrequency, A.8.5
- incrbackupcheckpointfrequency, A.8.6
- mailport, A.8.7
- mailserver, A.8.8
- maxcheckpointrestarts, A.8.9
- positionqueryfrequency, A.8.10
- restartablebackups, A.8.11
- restoreoptions, A.8.12
- rmanresourcewaittime policy, A.8.13
- rmanrestorestartdelay, A.8.14
- windowsskipcdfs, A.8.15
- windowsskiplockedfiles, A.8.16
- operator assistance, requests for, 2
- operator class, B
- oracle class, B
- Oracle database exclusion statement, definition, 4, 4
- Oracle Secure Backup catalog, 2, 2, 2, 2
- browsing, 2
- displaying contents, 2
- Oracle Secure Backup scheduler, 2, 2, 2
- osbcvt program, 5
- overwriteblanktape policy, A.5.4
- overwriteforeigntape policy, A.5.5
- overwriteunreadabletape policy, A.5.6
- -P option, of obtar, 4
- -p option, of obtar, 4, 4
- password policy, A.7.4
- path names
- displaying before restoring, 4
- displaying during backup, 4, 4, 4
- displaying while restoring, 4
- in backup images, 4
- path names, in backup description files, 4
- perform backups as privileged user right, B.1.7
- perform backups as self right, B.1.6
- perform Oracle backups and restores right, B.1.18
- perform restores as privileged user right, B.1.11
- perform restores as self right, B.1.10
- permissions when restoring with obtar, 4
- pingdev command, 2
- pinghost command, 2
- placeholders, in obtool commands
- aspec, 3
- authtype, 3
- backup-level, 3
- content, 3
- data-selector, 3
- dataset-dir-name, 3
- dataset-file-name, 3
- dataset-name, 3
- date-range, 3
- date-time, 3
- day-date, 3
- day-specifier, 3
- devicename, 3
- duration, 3
- element-spec, 3
- filenumber, 3
- filenumber-list, 3
- iee-range, 3
- iee-spec, 3
- job-type, 3
- ndmp-backup-type, 3
- numberformat, 3
- oid, 3
- oid-list, 3
- preauth-spec, 3
- produce-days, 3
- protover, 3
- restriction, 3
- role, 3
- schedule-priority, 3
- se-range, 3
- se-spec, 3
- summary-start-day, 3
- time, 3
- time-range, 3
- vid, 3
- vol-range, 3
- vol-spec, 3
- wwn, 3
- policies. See defaults and policies
- policy class, 1.3.17
- policy commands, 1.3.17, 1.3.17
- addp, 2
- cdp, 2
- lsp, 2
- pwdp, 2
- resetp, 2
- rmp, 2
- setp, 2
- pollfrequency policy, A.9.4
- port policy, A.7.5
- positionqueryfrequency policy, A.8.10
- preauthorizations, 2
- preauth-spec placeholder, 3
- preferred network interface commands, 1.3.18
- lspni, 2
- mkpni, 2
- rmpni, 2
- preferred network interfaces, 2
- configuring, 2
- definition, 2
- removing, 2
- privileged backups, making, 2
- privileged mode backup, 2
- privileged restore operations, making, 2
- produce-days placeholder, 3
- programs, miscellaneous, 5
- protocolversion policy, A.7.6
- protover placeholder, 3
- pwd command, 2
- pwdds command, 2
- pwdp command, 2
- -q option, of obtar, 4
- query and display information about devices right, B.1.14
- query frequency, 2
- quit command, 2
- -R option, of obtar, 4, 4, 4
- raw devices, names for, 2
- raw restore operations, 2
- reader class, B
- receive email describing internal errors right, B.1.13
- receive email requesting operator assistance right, B.1.12
- relative path names, in backup description files, 4
- remote backup description files, 4
- renclass command, 2
- rendev command, 2
- rends command, 2
- renhost command, 2
- renmf command, 2
- rensched command, 2
- rensnap command, 2
- renssel command, 2
- rensum command, 2
- renuser command, 2
- reparse point, 4
- resdev command, 2, 2
- resetp command, 2
- restartable backups. See checkpoint commands, 1.3.5
- restartablebackups policy, A.8.11
- restore command, 2
- restore commands, 1.3.19
- lsrestore, 2
- restore, 2
- rmrestore, 2
- restore operations
- catalog-based, 2
- raw, 2
- restore requests
- creating, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- restoreev policy, A.7.7
- restoreoptions policy, A.8.12
- restriction placeholder, 3
- retainbackupmetrics policy, A.9.5
- retention periods, 2
- returndev command, 2
- reusevol command, 2
- rights
- backup privileged, 2
- backup unprivileged, 2
- RMAN backups, 2
- rmanresourcewaittime policy, A.8.13
- rmanrestorestartdelay policy, A.8.14
- rmbackup command, 2
- rmbw command, 2
- rmcheckpoint command, 2
- rmclass command, 2
- rmdev command, 2
- rmds command, 2
- rmhost command, 2
- rmjob command, 2
- rmmf command, 2
- rmp command, 2
- rmpiece command, 2
- rmpni command, 2
- rmrestore command, 2
- rmsched command, 2
- rmsection command, 2
- rmsnap command, 2
- rmssel command, 2
- rmsum command, 2
- rmuser command, 2
- role placeholder, 3
- roles, 2, 2
- rpyjob command, 2
- runjob command, 2
- -s option, of obtar, 4, 4
- saveasciiindexfiles policy, A.3.8
- schedule commands, 1.3.20
- chsched, 2
- lssched, 2
- mksched, 2
- rensched, 2
- rmsched, 2
- schedule-priority placeholder, 3
- scheduler policies, A.9
- applybackupsfrequency, A.9.1
- defaultstarttime, A.9.2
- maxdataretries, A.9.3
- pollfrequency, A.9.4
- retainbackupmetrics, A.9.5
- scheduler, Oracle Secure Backup, 2, 2, 2, 2
- listing backup requests, 2
- scheduling backups, 2
- section commands, 1.3.21
- lssection, 2
- rmsection, 2
- unrmsection, 2
- securecomms policy, A.10.5
- security policies, A.10
- autocertissue, A.10.1
- certkeysize, A.10.2
- encryptdataintransit, A.10.3
- loginduration, A.10.4
- securecomms, A.10.5
- se-range placeholder, 3
- serial numbers of NDMP devices, 2
- se-spec placeholder, 2, 3, 3, 3
- set command, 2
- setbw command, 2
- setp command, 2
- show command, 2
- snapshot commands, 1.3.22
- lssnap, 2
- mksnap, 2
- rensnap, 2
- rmsnap, 2
- snapshots
- creating, 2
- definition, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- statements, in backup description files, 4
- stoprb program, 5
- storage element, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3
- summary commands, 1.3.23
- chsum, 2
- lssum, 2
- mksum, 2
- rensum, 2
- rmsum, 2
- summary-start-day placeholder, 3
- superseded jobs, 2
- -t mode, of obtar, 4
- tape drives
- changing attributes of, 2
- cleaning, 2
- loading volumes into, 2
- returning after borrowing, 2
- unloading volumes from, 2
- tape libraries, 2, 2
- barcode readers, 2
- changing attributes of, 2
- closing import/export door, 2
- loading next volume in, 4
- manually extracting volumes, 2
- updating the inventory, 2
- text authorization type for NDMP server, 3
- time placeholder, 3
- time-managed expiration policies, 2
- time-range placeholder, 3
- top-level exclusion statement, definition, 4
- transcriptretaimtime policy, A.4.6
- transcripts, for backup and restore jobs, 2
- triggers
- configuring, 2
- definition, 2
- -U option, of obtar, 4
- uncompressing data, 4
- uninstallob program, 5
- unixclientlogfile policy, A.4.7
- unlabelvol command, 2
- unloadvol command, 2
- unmountdev command, 2
- unprivileged backups, 2, 2
- unprivileged restore operations, 2
- unresdev command, 2
- unrmsection command, 2
- unset command, 2
- updatehost command, 2
- user class, B
- user commands, 1.3.24
- chuser, 2
- lsuser, 2
- mkuser, 2
- renuser, 2
- rmuser, 2
- username policy, A.7.8
- users
- changing attributes of, 2
- configuring, 2
- identifying, 2
- listing, 2
- removing, 2
- renaming, 2
- -V option, of obtar, 4
- -v option, of obtar, 4, 4, 4, 4
- variable commands, 1.3.25
- set, 2
- show, 2
- unset, 2
- variables
- drive, 1.3.14, C.1
- errors, C.2
- escape, C.3
- host, C.4
- level, C.5
- library, 1.3.14, C.6
- maxlevel, C.7
- namewidth, C.8
- numberformat, C.9
- setting, 2
- showing values of, 2
- unsetting, 2
- verbose, C.10
- viewmode, C.11
- width, C.12
- verbose variable, C.10
- vid placeholder, 3
- viewmode variable, C.11
- vol-range placeholder, 3
- vol-spec placeholder, 3
- volume creation times, 2
- volume labels
- creating, 2
- displaying, 4, 4
- volume sets, 4
- volume tags, 2
- volumeretaintime policy, A.5.7
- volumes
- changing attributes of, 2
- erasing contents of, 2
- exporting, 2
- identifying contents of, 2
- importing, 2
- listing, 2
- loading into tape drives, 2
- manually extracting, 2
- manually inserting, 2
- mounting, 2
- moving, 2
- recycling, 2
- removing data from, 2
- unmounting, 2
- -w option, of obtar, 4
- webautostart policy, A.1.5
- webpass policy, A.1.6
- width variable, C.12
- wildcards, in backup description files, 4
- Windows Firewall, disabling, 2
- Windows Server 2003, 2
- Windows XP Service Pack 2, 2
- windowsclientlogfile policy, A.4.8
- windowscontrolcertificateservice policy, A.1.7
- windowsskipcdfs policy, A.8.15
- windowsskiplockedfiles policy, A.8.16
- winsserver policy, A.6.1
- world-wide name, 2
- writewindowtime policy, A.5.8
- wwn placeholder, 3
- WWN. See world-wide name
- -x mode, of obtar, 4
- -Xchkmnttab option, of obtar, 4
- -Xcleara option, of obtar, 4
- -Xcrossmp option, of obtar, 4
- -Xdepth option, of obtar, 4
- -Xfamily option, of obtar, 4, 4
- -Xhighlatency option, of obtar, 4
- -Xhome option, of obtar, 4
- -Xincrrestore option, of obtar, 4
- -Xkv option, of obtar, 4
- -Xlabel mode, of obtar, 4
- -Xlabel option, of obtar, 4
- -Xmarkerfiles option, of obtar, 4
- -Xndmptype option, of obtar, 4
- -Xnice option, of obtar, 4
- -Xno_mod_chk option, of obtar, 4
- -Xnochaselinks option, of obtar, 4
- -Xnostat option, of obtar, 4
- -Xow option, of obtar, 4, 4, 4, 4
- -Xpre20 option, of obtar, 4
- -Xreuse mode, of obtar, 4
- -Xtag option, of obtar, 4, 4
- -Xunlabel mode, of obtar, 4
- -Xupdtu option, of obtar, 4
- -Xuq option, of obtar, 4
- -Xuse_ctime option, of obtar, 4
- -Xverifyarchive option, of obtar, 4
- -Xwq option, of obtar, 4
- -Xwritev2ndmppos option, of obtar, 4
- -Xww option, of obtar, 4
- -y option, of obtar, 4
- -z mode, of obtar, 4
- -Z option, of obtar, 4, 4
- -z option, of obtar, 4, 4, 4, 4
- -zz mode, of obtar, 4