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Oracle® OLAP DML Reference
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B14346-02
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The STATRANK function returns the position of a dimension or dimension surrogate value in the current status list or in a valueset.

Return Value



STATRANK(dimension [value])



A text expression whose value is the name of a dimension, dimension surrogate, or valueset.


The value you want to check, which is an appropriate data type for dimension. For example, value can be a text expression for an ID or TEXT dimension, an INTEGER for an INTEGER dimension, a date for a time dimension, or a combination of values enclosed by angle brackets for conjoint or concat dimensions. The value of a text expression must have the same capitalization as the actual dimension value. When you use a text expression, it must be a single-line value.

When you specify the value of a conjoint dimension, be sure to enclose the value in angle brackets, and separate the base dimension values with a comma and space. When you specify the value of a concat dimension, be sure to enclose the value in angle brackets, and separate the base dimension name from the value with a colon and space.

When you do not specify value, STATRANK returns the position of the current value. When you specify the name of a valid dimension value that is not in the current status list or in the valueset, STATRANK returns NA.


Example 24-36 Using STATRANK to Identify Position Numbers

Suppose you want to produce a report of the top five months by total sales, displayed in order as a numbered list. You can use STATRANK to number each month. Assume that you have written a report program with the following definition and contents.

LIMIT month TO TOP 5 BASEDON TOTAL(sales, month)
SHOW 'Top five months by total sales:'
for month
    ROW WIDTH 4 JOINCHARS(STATRANK(month) '.') WIDTH 5 month

The report program produces the following output.

Top five months by total sales:
1.   Jul96
2.   Jun96
3.   Jul95
4.   Aug96
5.   Jun95

After executing the sales.rpt program, you can use a SHOW statement with the STATRANK function to learn the position of a particular month within the top five months by total sales.

The following statement

SHOW STATRANK(month Jun96)

produces this output.


Example 24-37 Using STATRANK When the Dimension Is a Conjoint Dimension

When the dimension that you specify is a conjoint dimension, then the entire value must be enclosed in single quotes.

For example, suppose the analytic workspace already has a region dimension and a product dimension. The region dimension values include East, Central, and West. The product dimension values include Tents, Canoes, and Racquets.

The following statements define a conjoint dimension, and add values to it.

DEFINE DIMENSION <region product>
MAINTAIN ADD <'East', 'Tents'> <'West', 'Canoes'>

To specify base positions, use a statement such as the following. Because the position of East in the region dimension is 1 and the position of Tents in the product dimension is 1, the following statement returns the position of the corresponding value.

SHOW STATRANK( '<1, 1>')


To specify base text values, use a statement such as the following.

SHOW STATRANK( '<\'East\', \'Tents\'>')


Example 24-38 Using STATRANK When the Dimension Is a Concat Dimension

When the dimension that you specify is a concat dimension, then the entire value must be enclosed in single quotes. The following statement defines a concat dimension named that has as its base dimensions region and product.


A report of returns the following.

<Region: East>
<Region: Central>
<Region: West>
<Product: Tents>
<Product: Canoes>
<Product: Racquets>

To specify a base dimension position, use a statement such as the following. Because the position of racquets in the product dimension is 3, the statement returns the position in of the <product: Racquets> value.

SHOW STATRANK( '<product: 3>')


To specify base dimension text values, use a statement such as the following.

SHOW STATRANK( '<product: Tents>')