- addCustomMember method, 2.6
- alias method
- description, 6.1
- example of, 6.2.1
- Analytic Workspace Java API
- example program, 1.2
- Analytic Workspace Java API class library, A.3
- analytic workspaces
- creating dynamic, 1.1.2
- sample, 1.2
- ancestors attribute
- example of getting, 4.7.1
- method for getting,
- appendValues method
- example of, 6.2.2
- application, typical tasks performed by, 1.5
- assigned values
- specified by an Assignment, 5.6.1
- Assignment objects
- assigned value dependent on another Assignment, example of, 5.6.3
- assigned value result of aggregation, example of, 5.6.4
- of a Model, 5.6.1
- asymmetric result set, Cursor positions in an, 8.7.2
- at method, example of, 6.3.3
- attributes
- based on a database column, 2.2.1, 2.5.2
- definition, 1.1.1
- example of getting, 4.7.1
- in OLAP metadata, 2.2.1
- MdmAttribute objects, 2.5.2
- awxml.jar file, A.3
- base Source
- definition, 5.3.2, 6.1
-, 1.2
- Boolean OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
-, 1.2
- class libraries, obtaining, A.3
- code for examples, 1.2, 1.2
- example of, 6.2.5, 6.3.4
- example of, 6.2.5
- example of, 6.2.5
- example of, 6.2.3
- example of, 6.2.5
- example of, 5.4.2, 5.4.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4
- example of, 5.4.2, 5.4.2
- CompoundCursor objects
- getting children of, example, 9.1.1
- navigating for a crosstab view, example, 9.2, 9.2
- navigating for a table view, example, 9.2
- positions of, 8.7.2
- Connection objects
- example of closing, 3.4
- example of creating, 3.2
- example of getting an existing, 3.3
- connections
- closing, 3.4
- getting existing, 3.3
- prerequisites for, 3.1.2
- steps for establishing, 3.2
-, 1.2
-, 1.2
- createCustomMeasure method, 2.6
- example of, 2.8
- createCustomMember method
- example of, 2.6
- createListSource method
- example of, 5.5, 6.3.1, 6.3.6, 6.3.6
- createParameterizedSource method, 5.5
- example of, 5.5, 5.5, 6.3.2, 6.3.7
- createRangeSource method, example of, 6.2.4
- createSQLCursorManager method, 8.1, 8.5
- createStandardCustomMember method, 2.6
- createTimeCustomMember method, 2.6
- crosstab view
- example of, 6.2.1
- navigating Cursor for, example, 9.2, 9.2
- cubes
- definition, 1.1.1
- example of, 6.3.2
- in OLAP metadata, 2.2, 2.2.2
- current position in a Cursor, definition, 8.7
- Cursor class
- architecture, advantages of, 8.1.1
- Cursor objects
- created in the current Transaction, 8.1.4
- creating, example of, 6.3.2, 9.1
- current position, definition, 8.7
- CursorManager objects for creating, 8.5
- extent calculation, example, 9.4
- extent definition, 8.7.4
- faster and slower varying components, 8.2.1
- fetch size definition, 8.8
- getting children of, example, 9.1.1
- getting the values of, examples, 9.1.1
- methods of creating, 8.1
- parent starting and ending position, 8.7.3
- position, 8.7
- Source objects for which you cannot create, 8.1.3
- span, definition, 8.7.3
- specifying fetch size for a table view, example, 9.5
- specifying the behavior of, 8.2.2, 9.3
- starting and ending positions of a value, example of calculating, 9.4
- structure, 8.2.1
- CursorInfoSpecification interface, 8.4
- CursorInput class, 8.3, 8.6.1
- CursorInput objects
- compared to Parameter objects, 5.5
- CursorManager class, 8.5
- CursorManager objects
- closing before rolling back a Transaction, 7.2
- creating, example of, 6.3.2, 9.1
- methods of creating, 8.1
- updating the CursorManagerSpecification, 8.5.1
- CursorManagerSpecification class, 8.3
- creating object, example of, 6.3.2, 9.1
- CursorManagerUpdateEvent class, 8.6.3
- CursorManagerUpdateListener class, 8.6.2
-, 1.2
- CursorSpecification class, 8.4, 8.4
- CursorSpecification objects
- getting from a CursorManagerSpecification, example, 9.3
- custom
- dimension members, creating, 2.6
- dimension members, interface for, 2.6
- dimension members, new feature, Preface
- MdmMeasure, creating, 2.8
- MdmMeasureDimension member, creating, 2.8
- metadata objects, creating, 2.8
- CustomModel class, 5.6.1
- CustomModel objects
- example of, 5.6.2
- inputs of, 5.6.1
- outputs of, 5.6.1
- parent Model objects of, 5.6.1
- data store
- definition, 1.1.2
- exploring, 4.1.2
- gaining access to data in, 4.1
- scope of, 4.1
- data type
- of MDM metadata objects, 2.7.1
- of Source objects, 5.3.1, 5.3.1
- OLAP API, 2.7.1
- data warehouse, 1.1.2
- DataProvider objects
- creating, 3.2.4
- needed to create MdmMetadataProvider, 4.2
- Date OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- derived Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- dimensioned Source
- definition, 5.4.1
- dimensions
- creating custom members, 2.6
- definition, 1.1.1
- dimensioning measures, 2.4
- in OLAP metadata, 2.2.1
- MdmDimension objects, 2.4
- value formatting, 1.3.3
- distinct method
- description, 6.1
- example of, 6.2.2
- div method, example of, 6.3.5
- custom dimension members not available to, 2.6
- Model object, 5.6.1, 5.6.1
- Double OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- drilling in a hierarchy, example of, 6.3.3
- DriverManager objects, 3.2.2
- dynamic analytic workspaces, 1.1.2
- dynamic queries, 10.1
- dynamic Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- example of getting, 10.3.2
- produced by a Template, 10.1.1
- DynamicDefinition class, 10.2.5
- edges of a cube
- definition, 1.1.1
- pivoting, example of, 6.3.2
- elements
- of a dimension, 2.2.1
- of an MdmMeasure, 2.5.1
- Empty OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- empty Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- ETT tool, 1.1.2
- example programs
- analytic workspace, 1.2
- complete code for, 1.2, 1.2
- sample schema for, 1.2, 1.2
- ExpressDataCursorManager class, 8.5
- ExpressDataCursorManager, returned by the createCursorManager method., 8.1.2
- ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager class, 8.5
- ExpressSpecifiedCursorManager, returned by the createCursorManager method., 8.1.1
- ExpressSQLCursorManager class, 1.5.4, 8.1, 8.5
- ExpressTransactionProvider class, 7.2
- extent of a Cursor
- definition, 8.7.4
- example of calculating, 9.4
- use of, 8.7.4
- extract method, 5.4.1
- description, 6.3.1
- example of, 5.5, 6.3.1, 6.3.6, 6.3.6
- implemented as a CustomModel, 5.6.2
- extraction input
- definition, 5.4.1
- faster varying Cursor components, 8.2.1
- fetch size of a Cursor
- definition, 8.8
- example of specifying, 9.5
- reasons for specifying, 8.8
- Float OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- font conventions
- OLAP API data types, 2.7.1
- fundamental Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- FundamentalMetadataObject class, 2.7.1
- FundamentalMetadataProvider class, 2.7.1
- generated SQL, getting, 8.1
- getAncestorsAttribute method
- of an MdmHierarchy,
- getDefaultMetadataProvider method
- example of, 4.2
- getEmptySource method, 5.2
- example of, 5.4.2, 5.4.2, 5.4.3
- getID method
- of a Source, 5.3.3
- getID method, example of, 5.5
- getInputs method, 5.4.1
- getLevelAttribute method, example of, 6.2.4
- getOutputs method
- of a Source, 5.4.2
- getParentAttribute method
- of an MdmHierarchy,
- getRootSchema method, 4.3.2
- getSource method
- example of, 4.6, 6.2.4, 6.3.3
- for getting Source produced by a Template, example, 10.3.2
- in DynamicDefinition class, 10.1.1, 10.2.5
- of an MdmSource, 2.3.4
- getSubSchema method, 4.4.2
- getType method
- of a Source, 5.3.2
- of an MdmSource, example of, 2.7.4
- getVoidSource method, 5.2
- Global Schema for Documentation
- description, 1.2
- GLOBALAW sample analytic workspace, 1.2, 4.7
- GLOBALAW_SCHEMA sample schema, 4.7
- hierarchical sorting, example of, 6.3.4
- hierarchies
- based on a database column, 2.2.1
- definition, 1.1.1
- in OLAP metadata, 2.2.1
- limit of levels in, 2.2.1
- hierarchies of an MdmDimension
- example of getting, 4.7.1
- identification
- of a Source, 5.3.3
- inputs
- of a Cursor, 8.6.1
- of a CustomModel, 5.6.1
- of a Model, 5.6.1
- of a Source
- definition, 5.4.1
- matching to a Source, 5.4.2, 5.4.3
- obtaining, 5.4.1
- producing, 5.4.1
- Integer OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- interval method, example of, 6.3.7
- isSubType method, example of, 5.3.2
- Java archive (jar) files, required, 3.1, A.2
- Java Development Kit, version required, A.2
- Connection objects, 3.2.2
- DriverManager objects, 3.2.2
- libraries required, A.2
- loading drivers, 3.2.1
- join method
- description, 6.1
- examples of, 6.2
- examples of using different comparison rules, 6.2.3
- rules governing matching a Source to an input, 5.4.3
- lag method, example of, 6.3.6
- level hierarchy, 2.2.1
- levels
- based on a database column, 2.2.1
- definition, 1.1.1
- in OLAP metadata, 2.2.1
- limit of number in a hierarchy, 2.2.1
- MdmLevel objects,
- list Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- local dimension value, 1.3.3
- matching a Source to an input
- example of, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.3, 5.4.3
- rules governing, 5.4.3
- MDM. See multidimensional metadata model
- MdmAttribute objects
- description, 2.5.2
- MdmAttributeModel class
- subclass of MdmDimensionedObject, 2.3.2
- MdmAttributeModel objects
- not having parent Model objects, 5.6.1
- MdmCustomObjectFactory object
- creating custom dimension members with, 2.6
- MdmCustomObjectFactory objects
- creating custom metadata objects with, 2.8
- MdmDimension objects
- description, 2.4
- example of getting related objects, 4.5.2
- introduction, 1.3.2
- related MdmAttribute objects, 2.4
- MdmDimensionCalculationModel class, 2.3.2, 2.3.2
- MdmDimensionCalculationModel objects
- not having parent Model objects, 5.6.1
- MdmDimensionedObject class
- description, 2.5
- MdmDimensionedObject object, 2.3.2
- MdmDimensionedObjectModel class, 2.3.2
- MdmHierarchy class,
- MdmLevel objects
- description,
- members,
- MdmLevelHierarchy objects
- description,
- MdmMeasure objects
- creating custom, 2.6, 2.8
- description, 2.5.1
- elements, 2.5.1
- example of getting their dimensions, 4.5.1
- introduction, 1.3.2
- kinds of values, 2.5.1
- MdmMeasureModel
- subclass of MdmDimensionedObject, 2.3.2
- MdmMeasureModel objects
- parent Model objects of, 5.6.1
- MdmMember interface
- description, 2.6
- MdmMetadataProvider objects
- creating, 4.2
- description, 4.2
- introduction, 1.3.1
- MdmModel class, 2.3.2
- MdmObject class, 2.3
- MdmPrimaryDimension objects
- description, 2.4.1, 2.4.1,
- MdmSchema objects
- description, 2.3.3
- getting contents of, 4.4
- getting the root, 4.3.2
- introduction, 1.3.1
- root, 2.3.3, 4.3.1
- MdmSource objects, 2.3.4
- MdmStandardDimension objects
- description, 2.4.1
- MdmSubDimension class, 2.4.2
- MdmTimeDimension objects
- description, 2.4.1
- measure folders
- in OLAP metadata, 2.2, 2.2.3
- mapped to MdmSchema objects, 2.3.3
- measure MdmDimension objects, 4.4.4
- measures
- based on a database column, 2.2.2, 2.5.1
- definition, 1.1.1
- dimensioned by dimensions, 1.1.1, 2.4
- in OLAP metadata, 2.2.2
- MdmMeasure objects, 2.5.1
- members
- of a dimension, 2.2.1
- of an MdmDimension, 2.4
- of an MdmLevel,
- metadata
- creating a provider, 4.2
- definition, 1.1.2
- discovering, 4.1
- distinguished from data, 1.3
- mapping OLAP metadata to MDM metadata, 2.3.1
- preparation for OLAP API, 2.1.2
- sample code for discovering, 4.7.1
- MetadataState class, 10.2.3
- example of implementation, 10.3.1
- Model interface, 2.3.2, 5.6.1
- description, 5.6.1
- movingTotal method, example of, 6.3.6
- multidimensional metadata model (MDM)
- description, 2.1
- introduction, 1.3.1
- nested measure folders, 2.2.3
- nested outputs
- getting values from a Cursor with, example, 9.1.1
- of a Source, definition, 9.1.1
- null Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- nullSource method, 5.2
- Number OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- NumberParameter objects
- example of, 6.3.7
- ojdbc14.jar file, 3.1, A.3
- definition, 1.1
- required class libraries, A.2
- sample schema for examples, 1.2, 1.2
- software components, 1.4
- OLAP API data types
- font conventions, 2.7.1
- for MDM metadata objects, 2.7.1
- OLAP metadata, 1.1.2
- OLAP metadata objects, 1.3, 2.2
- olap_api_doc.jar file, A.3
- olap_api.jar file, A.3
- olap_awxml_doc.jar file, A.3
- Oracle Enterprise Manager, 1.3.1
- Oracle OLAP Analytic Workspace Java API
- class library, A.3
- example program, 1.2
- Oracle OLAP Analytic Workspace Java API Reference
- location in installation, A.3
- Oracle OLAP Java API Reference
- location in installation, A.3
- Oracle Technology Network (OTN), 1.2
- ORACLE_HOME environment variable, A.3
- outputs
- getting from a CompoundCursor, example, 9.1.1
- getting from a CompoundCursorSpecification, example, 9.3
- getting nested, example, 9.1.1
- in a CompoundCursor, 8.2.1, 8.7.3, 8.7.4
- positions of, 8.7.2
- of a CustomModel, 5.6.1
- of a Source
- definition, 5.4.2
- obtaining, 5.4.2
- order of, 5.4.3, 6.2.1
- producing, 5.4.2
- package MdmAttribute, 2.5.2
- Parameter objects
- compared to CursorInput objects, 5.5, 8.6.1
- description, 5.5
- example of, 5.5, 6.3.2, 6.3.7
- parameterized Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- description, 5.5
- example of, 5.5, 6.3.2, 6.3.7
- parent attribute
- example of getting, 4.7.1
- method for getting,
- parent Model objects
- of a CustomModel, 5.6.1
- of a Model, 5.6.1
- parent-child relationships
- in hierarchies, 2.2.1,
- in levels,
- pivoting cube edges, example of, 6.3.2
- placeholder Source
- new feature, Preface
- placeholder Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- example of, 5.6.3, 5.6.4
- position method, 5.4.1
- description, 6.1
- example of, 6.2.4
- positions
- CompoundCursor, 8.7.2
- Cursor, 8.7
- parent starting and ending, 8.7.3
- ValueCursor, 8.7.1
- precedence
- of an Assignment, 5.6.1
- primary Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- from MdmSource objects, 2.3.4
- result of getSource method, 4.6
- Qualification objects
- of an Assignment, 5.6.1
- queries
- creating using Source methods, 6
- definition, 1.1.1
- dynamic, 10.1
- Source objects that are not, 8.1.3
- specifying with Source objects, 5
- steps in retrieving results of, 9.1
- range Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- read Transaction object, 7.1.1
- recursiveJoin method
- description, 6.1
- example of, 6.2.5, 6.3.4
- regular input
- definition, 5.4.1
- relational schema, 1.1.2, 1.3.1
- root MdmSchema
- description, 2.3.3
- function of, 4.3.1
- obtaining, 4.3.2
- rotating cube edges, example of, 6.3.2
- sample analytic workspace, 1.2
- sample schema
- discovering metadata for, 4.7
- used by examples, 1.2
- schemas
- relationship to the OLAP API, 1.3.1
- star, 1.1.2
- selecting
- by position, 6.3.7
- by time series, 6.3.6
- selectValue method
- example of, 6.2.2, 6.3.1
- selectValues method
- example of, 6.2.6, 6.3.2
- setValue method
- example of, 5.5, 6.3.2, 6.3.7
- Short OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- SID (system identifier), 3.2.2
- SingleSelectionTemplate class, 7.1.5, 7.2, 10.3.2, B.1
- slower varying Cursor components, 8.2.1, 8.7.2
- sorting hierarchically, example of, 6.3.4
- Source class
- basic methods, 6.1
- Source objects
- active in a Transaction object, 8.1.4
- data type
- definition, 5.3.1
- getting, 5.3.1
- dimensioned, 5.4.1
- getting a modifiable Source from a DynamicDefinition, 10.2.5
- identification String
- obtaining, 5.3.3
- inputs of
- definition, 5.4.1
- matching to a Source, 5.4.2, 5.4.3
- obtaining, 5.4.1
- producing, 5.4.1
- introducing, 5
- kinds of, 5.2
- methods of getting, 5.2
- modifiable, 10.1
- outputs of
- definition, 5.4.2
- obtaining, 5.4.2
- producing, 5.4.2
- parameterized, 5.5
- SourceDefinition for, 5.3.3
- specifying value of an Assignment, 5.6.1
- subtype
- definition, 5.3.2
- obtaining, 5.3.2
- type
- definition, 5.3.2
- obtaining, 5.3.2
- SourceDefinition, 5.3.3
- SourceGenerator class, 10.2.4
- example of implementation, 10.3.1
- span of a value in a Cursor
- definition, 8.7.3, 9.4
- SpecifiedCursorManager objects
- closing, 8.5
- creating, example of, 6.3.2
- returned by the createCursorManager method, 8.5
- custom dimension members not available to, 2.6
- getting generated, 8.1
- Model clause, 5.6.1, 5.6.1
- SQLCursorManager class, 1.5.4
- star schema, 1.1.2
- String OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- StringParameter objects
- example of, 5.5, 6.3.2
- subschemas
- description, 4.3.1
- getting contents, 4.4.3
- subtype of an Source object
- definition, 5.3.2
- obtaining, 5.3.2
- table view
- navigating Cursor for, example, 9.2
- Template class, 10.2.2
- designing, 10.3
- example of implementation, 10.3.1
- Template objects
- classes used to create, 10.2
- for creating modifiable Source objects, 10.1
- relationship of classes producing a dynamic Source, 10.2.1
- Transaction objects used in, 7.1.3
- time series, selecting based on, 6.3.6
- times method, example of, 6.3.5
- TopBottomTemplate class, 7.1.5, 7.2, 10.3.1
- Transaction objects
- child read and write, 7.1.1
- committing, 7.1.2
- creating a Cursor in the current, 8.1.4
- current, 7.1
- custom metadata objects existing in, 2.8
- example of using child, 7.2
- getting the current, 7.1.6
- preparing, 7.1.2
- read, 7.1.1
- rolling back, 7.1.5
- setting the current, 7.1.6
- using in Template classes, 7.1.3
- write, 7.1.1
- TransactionProvider interface, 7.2
- TransactionProvider objects
- creating, 3.2.3
- tuple
- definition, 2.5.1
- in a Cursor, example, 9.1.1
- specifying a measure value, 8.7.2
- type of an MDM object
- definition, 2.7.3
- obtaining, 2.7.4
- type of an Source object
- definition, 5.3.2
- obtaining, 5.3.2
- unique dimension value, 1.3.3
- value hierarchy, 2.2.1
- value method, 5.4.1
- description, 6.1
- example of, 6.2.6, 6.3.3
- Value OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- value separation string, 1.3.3
- ValueCursor objects
- getting from a parent CompoundCursor, example, 9.1.1
- getting values from, example, 9.1.1, 9.1.1
- position, 8.7.1
- virtual Cursor
- definition, 8.8
- Void OLAP API data type, 2.7.1
- void Source objects
- definition, 5.2
- write Transaction object, 7.1.1
- xmlparserv2.jar file, A.3