Java Debug Interface

Uses of Interface

Packages that use EventRequest
com.sun.jdi.event This package defines JDI events and event processing. 
com.sun.jdi.request This package is used to request that a JDI event be sent under specified conditions. 

Uses of EventRequest in com.sun.jdi.event

Methods in com.sun.jdi.event that return EventRequest
 EventRequest Event.request()

Uses of EventRequest in com.sun.jdi.request

Subinterfaces of EventRequest in com.sun.jdi.request
 interface AccessWatchpointRequest
          Request for notification when the contents of a field are accessed in the target VM.
 interface BreakpointRequest
          Identifies a Location in the target VM at which execution should be stopped.
 interface ClassPrepareRequest
          Request for notification when a class is prepared in the target VM.
 interface ClassUnloadRequest
          Request for notification when a class is unloaded in the target VM.
 interface ExceptionRequest
          Request for notification when an exception occurs in the target VM.
 interface MethodEntryRequest
          Request for notification when a method is invoked in the target VM.
 interface MethodExitRequest
          Request for notification when a method returns in the target VM.
 interface ModificationWatchpointRequest
          Request for notification when a field is set.
 interface StepRequest
          Request for notification when a step occurs in the target VM.
 interface ThreadDeathRequest
          Request for notification when a thread terminates in the target VM.
 interface ThreadStartRequest
          Request for notification when a thread starts execution in the target VM.
 interface VMDeathRequest
          Request for notification when the target VM terminates.
 interface WatchpointRequest
          Identifies a Field in the target VM being watched.

Methods in com.sun.jdi.request with parameters of type EventRequest
 void EventRequestManager.deleteEventRequest(EventRequest eventRequest)
          Removes an eventRequest.

Method parameters in com.sun.jdi.request with type arguments of type EventRequest
 void EventRequestManager.deleteEventRequests(List<? extends EventRequest> eventRequests)
          Removes a list of EventRequests.

Java Debug Interface