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Oracle® OLAP DML Reference
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B14346-02
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The LAG function returns the values of a dimensioned variable or expression at a specified offset of a dimension prior to the current value of that dimension. Typically, you use the LAG function to retrieve values for a previous time period.

See also:


Return Value

The data type of the variable argument or NA when you try to lag prior to the first period of a time dimension.


LAG(variable ndimension, [STATUS|NOSTATUS|limit-clause])



A variable or expression that is dimensioned by dimension.


The offset (that is, the number of dimension values) to lag. LAG uses this value to determine the number of values that LAG should go back in dimension to retrieve the value of variable.

Typically, n is a positive INTEGER that indicates the number of time periods (or dimension values) before the current one. When you specify a negative value for n, it indicates the number of time periods after the current o ne. In other words, using a negative value for n turns LAG into a LEAD function.


When using LAG in a model, see "Ensuring One-Way Dimensional Dependence" for information on how to code a value for n so that Oracle OLAP does not use simultaneous blocks when solving the model.

The dimension along which the lag occurs. While this can be any dimension, it is typically a hierarchical time dimension of type TEXT that is limited to a single level (for example, the month or year level) or a dimension with a type of DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR.

When variable has a dimension with a type of DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR and you want LAG to use that dimension, you can omit the dimension argument.


Specifies that LAG should use the current status list (that is, only the dimension values currently in status in their current status order) when computing the lag.


(Default) Specifies that LAG should use the default status (that is, a list all the dimension values in their original order) when computing the lag.


Specifies that LAG should use the default status limited by limit-clause when computing the lag. You can use any valid LIMIT clause (see the entry for the LIMIT command for further information). To specify that LAG should use the current status limited by limit-clause when computing the lag, specify a LIMIT function for limit-clause.


Assigning Results to a Time-Series Variable

Use care when assigning the results of LAG back into the time-series variable. Results are assigned one cell at a time, so you can overwrite the whole array with the first value returned, instead of moving all the values over n positions. You can, however, use LAG to calculate a series of values based on the initial value.


Example 17-30 Using LAG

Assume that you have a sales variable that is dimensioned by three dimensions of the TEXT type (named product, district, and time). The time dimension is a hierarchical dimension with the following values.


Also, assume that there is a dimension named timelevels that has as values the names of the levels of the time dimension (that is, Month and Year) and a relation named timelevelrel that is dimensioned by time and that has values from timelevels (that is, the related dimension of timelevelrel is timelevels). A report of timelevelrel shows these relationships.

-------------- ------------
1999           Year
2000           Year
Jan1999        Month
Feb1999        Month
...            ...
Dec1999        Month
Jan2000        Month
Feb2000        Month
...            ...
Dec2000        Month

Suppose you want to compare racquet sales in Dallas for the first two months of 2000 with sales for the corresponding months of 1999. You can use the LAG function to produce the values from 1999 in the same report with the 2000 values. The following statements

LIMIT product TO 'racquets'
LIMIT district TO 'Dallas'
LIMIT time TO 'Jan2000' 'Feb2000'-
REPORT DOWN time sales HEADING 'Last Year' LAG(sales, 12, time, -
     LEVELREL timelevelrel)

produce this report.

TIME           SALES      Last Year
-------------- ---------- ----------
Jan2000        125,879.86 118,686.75
Feb2000        150,833.64 142,305.99